بينما كان الإعصار "ساندي" يضرب الكثير من الولايات الأمريكية، كانت "تغريدات" النجوم والنجمات تنتشر عبر موقع Twitter، تدعو لسلامة وإنقاذ بلادهم.
ويرصد FilFan.com بعض تغريدات النجوم، بالإضافة لتصريحات أخرى عن الإعصار.
جيسي وليامز: "الإعصار يضرب مترو الأنفاق، والفئران تعلو من أجل استعادة مدينتهم".
If the subways are flooding, the rats are coming to the surface, to take back their city! #NeverForgetThisImage
— jesse williams (@iJesseWilliams) October 30, 2012
If you need a safe place to stay, shelter info avail. in #RedCross HurricanApp #Sandy bit.ly/red__cross
— Jennifer Lopez (@JLo) October 30, 2012
its such a testament to New York that none of my friends or family members have left. not even my blind grandma in NJ.
— Lady Gaga (@ladygaga) October 30, 2012
Winds are crazy....
— NiC0LE P0LiZZi (@snooki) October 30, 2012
Prayers go out to every1 In NYC and on the east coast.
— RayJ (@RayJ) October 30, 2012
Don’t let negativity be the norm bit.ly/ebantibully #antibullying
— Elizabeth Banks (@ElizabethBanks) October 29, 2012
Maybe I should have stated where I was- Hurricane Sandy doesn't sound so fun...
— Ashley Greene (@AshleyMGreene) October 27, 2012
Back in Miami now. Missed the storm. I'm praying for everyone on the East Coast. I hope everyone is safe!
— Kim Kardashian (@KimKardashian) October 28, 2012
Water, batteries, charge cell phone, candles, pantry staples. Once basics covered also great to check in on neighbors friends & family.
— rachael ray(@rachael_ray) October 29, 2012
I'm praying for everyone on the East Coast. Stay safe! #Sandy
— Taylor Armstrong (@TaylorArmstrong) October 29, 2012
everyone dealing with the hurricane up north be safe
— Justin Bieber (@justinbieber) October 29, 2012